Telephone: 01132 644589
Mobile: 07421 242678

MOT at Marshall Street Motors, Leeds

What is include in a MOT and what is checked?

The MOT test checks that your vehicle meets road safety and environmental standard. The VOSAs 3 tier assessment – green being at the top of the scale with amber and red below.


Why MOT Testing Matters:

  • Safety: MOT testing identifies potential issues that could compromise your safety on the road, ensuring your vehicle is fit to drive.
  • Legal Requirement: In many jurisdictions, regular MOT testing is a legal requirement for vehicles of a certain age. Compliance helps you avoid penalties and keeps your vehicle road legal.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your vehicle has passed a comprehensive inspection provides peace of mind when you're on the road.


Please call 0113 2644 589 to book an MOT

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